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Как рассчитывается транспортный сбор?

Это зависит от вашего местоположения, места доставки и прибытия, технических характеристик товара и выбранного вами способа доставки. Для большинства машин стоимость доставки очень низкая, а для некоторых моделей - бесплатная.

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Советы по использованию машины лазерной резки

The guide rail should be cleaned and lubricated frequently, and the motor must be cleaned and lubricated frequently, to ensure that the machine can move better during cutting, more accurate cutting, and the quality of the cut products will improve . Otherwise, if there is a problem in the operation, it may hurt people, and

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Как насчет станка для лазерной резки CO2? Хорошо ли это?

CO2 laser cutting machine, with high power, can cut metal and non-metal materials, as well as highly reflective materials, metal materials, can cut 25mm stainless steel, carbon steel, etc. Non-metallic materials can cut acrylic, wood materials, PVC and other materials, the thickness can reach 60mm, high reflective materials, can cut 4mm aluminum plate, CO2 laser

Как насчет станка для лазерной резки CO2? Хорошо ли это? Read More »

Какие существуют типы станков для лазерной резки?

 Cutting technology is widely used in the processing of metal and non-metal materials, which can greatly reduce the processing time, reduce the processing cost, and improve the quality of the workpiece. Laser cutting is achieved by applying high power density energy generated by laser focusing. Compared with traditional sheet metal processing methods, laser cutting has

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Влияние давления вспомогательного газа на качество резки

Generally, in the application of laser cutting machines, auxiliary gas is required for material cutting. The problem mainly involves the type and pressure of auxiliary gas. Generally, the auxiliary gas can not only assist the cutting quality, the auxiliary gas is ejected coaxially with the laser beam, to protect the lens from contamination and blow

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Перед началом эксплуатации станка лазерной резки

It is the most basic requirement to understand the situation of the company’s cutting equipment system settings, the role of each system, and the process effect to be achieved. The operator of the laser cutting machine needs systematic training before taking the job, because the operator needs to make a quick judgment when the laser

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Выбор оборудования для лазерной резки

1. First of all, we must figure out the production scope, processing materials and cutting thickness of our company, so as to determine the type, size and quantity of equipment to be purchased, and make a simple foundation for the later procurement work. The application field of laser cutting machine involves many industries such as

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Влияние выходной мощности лазера на качество резки

For lasers with continuous wave output, the laser power and mode are both important for cutting. In actual operation, the maximum power is often set to obtain a higher cutting speed, or to cut thicker materials. However, the beam mode (the distribution of beam energy in the cross-section) is sometimes more important, and when the

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Причины нечетких символов в лазерной маркировочной машине

1. The quality of the laser beam deteriorates. The quality of the laser directly determines the quality of the laser beam. Generally speaking, end pump semiconductor lasers, CO2 metal radio frequency tube lasers, CO2 glass tube lasers, and fiber lasers. The above-mentioned beam quality can only be sent back to the manufacturer of the laser

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